Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meghan's Shoes

Meg came over for dinner tonight.  Just like normal.  It was yummy and we tried to watch Netflix and I got mad at my computer.  Again, just like normal.

What wasn't normal?  I didn't recognize Meg's shoes!!!  She always has adorable shoes, but these took me by surprise.  Of all my friends, she's the one who gets designer shoes first.  Darn her!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting towards the end

So I'm only 10 days away from the end of this project.  And I find myself excited for all the things I can get.  Or even just the possibilities of things. 
Some of it's just my excitement over spring coming and wanting pretty bright things.  (There are pretty bright things in my closet, but they apparently look less bright when I eye them every day.)  And some of it is jealousy over things my friends have gotten in the past few months that I could really see myself using.
Part of me, though, will be a little disappointed that it's over.  (A VERY small part, but still.)  It's somewhat liberating to just have to tell myself no.  I cannot get whatever item it is that I want at that given moment.  Instead I've been forced to "deal" without it.  To create an outfit and be comfortable without it.  I think that's good or me, no matter how hard it is or long it takes to plan out my outfit the night before.
I'll try to remember to get pictures these last few days.  Seeing as I'm in the home stretch, I shouldn't slack off.  Whoops.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I rescued a human

My brother sent this to me this morning and it made me cry.  It's so sweet and sad.  But judging from the interaction between me and my rescue dog, Josie, in the shelter.  It's not far off.

And as always, I know the Humane Society appreciates any donations they can get and since it seems fitting for the post...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meghan makes dinner

Meghan owed me a delicious dinner.  And she really pulled through.  Like, really yummy, delicious, fresh, Pike Place Market food. 
Plus, there was beer, dessert AND candlelight to match it all.

And she had on a pretty outfit with an extra pretty skirt.

Also, Josie was really desperate for some food.  Like, really desperate.  Like "get up and perform" desperate.


Thanks Meg!

Monday, April 4, 2011

More Catching Up

A few outfits from the past week.

This is Josie's "momma, stop taking pictures and make me dinner" face.

And these are yummy, delicious, grapefruit scones. 

On that note, I need to go make dinner for Josie and Grace, my little girls.